Cleopatra The Lumineers

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Redakcja
    2 ulubione
GI was Cleopatra, I was young and an actress
When you knelt by my mattress, and asked for my Dhand
But I was Gsad you asked it, as I laid in a black dress
With my father in a casket, I had no Dplans


GAnd I left the footprints, the mud Cstained on the Gcarpet
And it hardened like my heart did when you left Dtown
But I Gmust admit it, that I would Cmarry you in an Ginstant
Damn your wife, I'd be your mistress just to have you Daround

But I wasG late for Dthis, Clate for Gthat, Clate for the glove of my Dlife
And when I Gdie Dalone, when I Cdie Galone, when I Cdie I'll Gbe on Dtime

While the Gchurch discouraged, any Clust that burned within Gme
Yes my flesh, it was my currency, but I held Dtrue
So I Gdrive a taxi, and the Ctraffic Gdistracts me
From the Cstrangers in my Gbackseat, they remind me Dof you

But I wasG late for Dthis, Clate for Gthat, Clate for the glove of my Dlife
And when I Gdie Dalone, when I Cdie Galone, when I Cdie I'll Gbe on Dtime

And the eonly gifts from my GLord were a Cbirth aDnd a deivorce
But I've rGead this script and the ecostume fits,C so I'll Dplay my Gpart

I was GCleopatra, I was Ctaller than the Grafters
But that's all in the past now, gone with the Dwind
Now a Gnurse in white shoes Cleads me back to my Gguestroom
It's a Cbed and a Gbathroom
and a place for the Dend

I won't be lGate for thDis, laCte for thGat, laCte for the logve of my liDfe
And when I Gdie Dalone, when I Cdie Galone, when I Cdie I'll Gbe on Dtime


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