There Is A Light That Never Goes Out The Smiths

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cis TakeH mecis out HtonigAht E   H 
Where there's mcisusic and theHre's pecisople who areH young anAd aElivHe
cisDrivingH incis your Hcar, I never nevAer want to go Ehome H 
Because I haven'tcis got Honecis,  aHnymorAe  E   H 

cis Take me out tonigAht E   H 
Because I ciswant to see people and I want to see lights  A   E   H 
cisDriving in your car, oh pAlease don't drop me hoEme H 
Beciscause it's not my home, it's Htheir home, and cisI'm welcome no moreA   E   H 

And if a Edouble-decker buc s, Acrashes into us
 H To die by your sideE, is such a Aheavenly way to difise     H 
And if a tEen ton truck, killAs the both of us
  ToH die by youEr side, well theA pleasure the privilege is fismine H 

cis TakeH mecis out HtonighAt  E   H 
Oh takcise me anHywhere, I doncis't care, I donH't care, I don't cAare  E   H 
And in the cisdarkenHed cisunderpasHs, I thought OhA God, my chance has come at lasEt    H 
But then a scistrange feHar gripped me cisand I just couHldn't askA    E   H 

cis TakHe me out cistonighHt    A    E    H 
Oh take me acisnywheHre, I don't carcise, I donH't care, I donA't caEre  H 

Just dcisriving Hin ycisour carH, IA never never want to go homeE    H 
Because I haven't gocist oneH nocis no nHo, I hAaven'tE got Hone

E And if a double-decker buciss, crAashes into us
  HTo die by youEr side, iAs such a heavenly way to dfisie   H 
And if a Eten ton truck, ciskills Athe both of us
H To die by yourE side, wellA the pleasure the privilege is fismine  H 

Tcishere is a liHght and it necisver goes ouHt theAre is a light and it neEver goes oHut
cisThere is a ligHht and it nevecisr goes ouHt theAre is a light and it neEver goes oHut
cisThere is a ligHht and it nevecisr goes ouHt theAre is a light and it neEver goes oHut

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