Red Red Wine UB 40

Tekst piosenki

  • Tekst piosenki Aśka
    1 ulubiony
Red red wine goes to my head
Makes me forget
That I still need you so

Red red wine
It's up to you
All I can do I've done
Memories won't go
Memories won't go

I have sworn every time
Thoughts of you would leave my head

I was wrong, now I've found
Just one thing makes me forget...

Red red wine
Stay close to me
Don't let me be alone
It's tearing apart
My blue blue heart

I have sworn every time
Thoughts of you would leave my head
I was wrong, now I've found
Just one thing makes me forget...

Red red wine
Stay close to me
Don't let me be alone
It's tearing apart
My blue blue heart

Oceń to opracowanie
Ocena czytelników: Dobry 1 głos
  • Czarna2310
    kto zna chwyty i bicie???????
    · Zgłoś · 13 lat temu
  • Czarna2310
    Kto zna do tego chwytyyy??????
    · Zgłoś · 13 lat temu
  • anonim
    Bob Marley---forever---o nim nieda się zapomnieć
    · Zgłoś · 17 lat temu
  • anonim
    zajebisty jest i w ogule PEACE
    · Zgłoś · 20 lat temu