Deliver Your Children Wings

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Początkujący Tonacja a
    1 ulubiony

Zwrotka 1
Well, the arain was a-fallin’ and the ground turned to Gmud
I was awatching all the people running from the Dflood
So I astarted to prayin' though I ain't no prayin' Cma-Gn
For the eLord to come a-ahelpin' knowing e7he'd underastand

DeGliver your Dchildren to the egood, good life
CGive 'em peace and Gshelter and a afork and knife
Shine a Glight in the Dmorning and a elight at night
And if a Gthing Dgoes ewrong you'd better Cmake Git  aright

Zwrotka 2
aWell, I had me a woman, she was good and Gclean
She aspent all day with the washing maDchine
But when it acame to lovin' she was never aCroGund
She was eout getting adirty e7all over atown.

DeGliver your Dchildren to the egood, good life
CGive 'em peace and Gshelter and a afork and knife
Shine a Glight in the Dmorning and a elight at night
And if a Gthing Dgoes ewrong you'd better Cmake Git  aright


Zwrotka 3
Well, I was d low on money and my truck broke Cdown
I was d on my way to the lost and CfoGund
So I d took it to a dealer, I said make it Crun
Well, I aain't got no d money, but I agot me a d gun

Zwrotka 4
I said you d robbed me before so I'm robbing you Cback
And if it d don't put you straight, it'll put you on the right CtrGack
Well, I d ain't no devil and I ain't no Csaint
But aI can tell a d dealer by the acolor of his d paint.

DeGliver your Dchildren to the egood, good life
CGive 'em peace and Gshelter and a afork and knife
Shine a Glight in the Dmorning and a elight at night
And if a Gthing Dgoes ewrong you'd better Cmake Git  aright

a G
a D
a G
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e a

DeGliver your Dchildren to the egood, good life
CGive 'em peace and Gshelter and a afork and knife
Shine a Glight in the Dmorning and a elight at night
And if a Gthing Dgoes ewrong you'd better Cmake Git  aright

Zwrotka 5
If you awant good eggs you gotta feed that Ghen
And if you ewanna hear some amore
Well, I'll esing it aagain

e a

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