Kitchen door Wolf Larsen

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Zaawansowany
c Dis Gis g

c No waB s her namDis
c No was the lioB n that no one could Distame c    Gis   D 
g c g Dis

c But Faith wB as his nDisame
c Faith came arounDisd with a smc ile oDisn his face anyc wayg    Dis  
c g Dis

He saic d, tell, B tell me nDisow
DisTell me the woB rry that knit up yDisour brow   c    B    Dis  
c g Dis c g Dis g Dis g Dis

c She said sB low down this tDisrain
c Slow down the irB on that runs in my vDiseins   c    g    B    Dis  
c g Dis

GisI can hear you tap tapping at my kitchen Disdoor
I can hear the riverGis run, and the river wantDis more
g Don’t you knGisow, I’m already suDisre
GisI can hear you tap tappin at my kitchen Disdoor   E   Dis  
c B Dis c g Dis

c But No kg ept her nHame Dis  
c No got so quieB t she put out herDis flameB    c     Dis  
c g B Dis

But Fac ith sB tayed the same Dis  
c Faith came around wg ith that smileDis on his face the nec xt dB ay  Dis  
c g Dis

He said, c folloB w me down Dis  
c Follow me dB own with your pick and your Displowc    B    Dis  
g Dis

I Giscan hear you tap tappin at my kitchen dDisoor
I cGisan hear the river run and the river want Dismore
g Don’t you knGisow, I am already surDise   Gis  
GisI can hear you standing quieDist at my kitchen dGisoor

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