Our Last Summer Abba

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Początkujący
    63 ulubione
GThe summer hair was soft and ewarm
The feeling right, the Paris Cnight
aDid it's best to Dplease us
DAnd strolling Adown the Elysee
DWe had a Adrink in each caGfe
CAnd Gyou
eYou talked of Gpolitics, philosophy and CI
aSmiled like Mona LiDsa
DWe had our chance
dIt was a fine and true roDmance

D7I can still reGcall hour last Csummer
DI still see it Gallh C
DWalks along the GSeine, Hlaughing in the erain
DOur last Csummer
DMemories that reCmain

GWe made our hway along the eriver
And we sat down in the Cgrass
aBy the Eiffel toDwer
DI was so Ahappy we had met
DIt was the Aage of no reGgret
COh Gyes
eThose crazy Gyears, that was the Ctime
aOf the flower-poDwer
DBut underneath dwe had a fear of flying
DOf getting old, da fear of slowly dying
DWe took the chance
dLike we were dancing our last Ddance

I can still recall our last summer           D7 G h C
I still see it all                           D G h C
In the tourist jam, round the Notre Dame     D G H e
Our last summer                              D C
Walking hand in hand                         D C

Paris restaurants                            D7 G
Our last summer                              h C
Morning croissants                           D G h C
Living for the day, worries far away         D G H e
Our last summer                              D C
We could laugh and play                      D C

GAnd now you're hworking in a ebank
The family Gman, a football Cfan
aAnd your name is DHarry
DHow dull it seems
AYet you're the hero of my Ddreams

I can still recall our last summer           D7 G h C
I still see it all                           D G h C
In the tourist jam, round the Notre Dame     D G H e
Our last summer                              D C
Walking hand in hand                         D C

I can still recall our last summer           D7 G h C
I still see it all                           D G h C
Walks along the Seine, laughing in the rain  D G H e
Our last summer                              D C
Memories that remain                         D G

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