Slipping Through My Fingers Abba

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Średni Tonacja F
    75 ulubionych
Zwrotka 1

GSchoolbag in g hand
She leaves Dhome in the fisearly morning
G Waving goodg bye
With an Dabsent-minded fissmile
GI watch her g go
With a Dsurge of that fiswell-known sadness
G And I have to Asit down for a Dwhile

The Gfeeling that I'm Alosing her foDrever   Fis  
And Gwithout really Aentering her Dworld
I'm Gglad whenever IA can share her Dlaughter,
AThat  funny little Dgirl
Slipping through my Gfingers all the Dtime
I try to fiscapture every e minute
The Gfeeling Din it
Slipping through my Afingers all the Dtime
Do I really Gsee what's in her Dmind ?
Each time I fisthink I'm close to e knowing
She Gkeeps on Dgrowing
Slipping through my Afingers all the Dtime
Zwrotka 2

GSleep in our g eyes
Her and Dme at the fisbreakfast table
G Barely ag wake
I let Dprecious time go fisby 
GThen when she's g gone
There's that Dodd melanfischoly feeling
GAnd a sense of Aguilt I can't Ddeny

What Ghappened to the Awonderful adDventures Fis  
The Gplaces I had Aplanned for us to Dgo

(slipping through my fingers all the time)
Well Gsome of that we Adid
But most we Ddidn't
And Awhy I just don't Dknow
Slipping through my Gfingers all the Dtime
I try to fiscapture every e minute
The Gfeeling Din it
Slipping through my Afingers all the Dtime
Do I really Gsee what's in her Dmind
Each time I fisthink I'm close to e knowing
She Gkeeps on Dgrowing
Slipping through my Afingers all the Dtime
Zwrotka 3

GSometimes I wish that IA could freeze the Dpicture Fis  
GAnd save it from the Afunny tricks of Dtime
Slipping through my Gfingers A   D 

G D fis e G D A D

G  D  fis  e  G  D  Slipping through my Afingers all the Dtime

GSchoolbag in g hand
She leaves Dhome in the fisearly morning
G Waving g goodbye with an Dabsent-minded fissmile

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