Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High? Arctic Monkeys

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Początkujący
    112 ulubionych
e C a
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e The mirror's imCage tea lls me it's home time
e But I'm not finCished a 'cause you're not by my side
e And as I arriveCd I thought I saw you lea aving, carrying your shoes
e Decided that onCce again I was just dreaa ming of bumping into you

e         Now iCt's three in the moa rning
And I'm trying to change your mind e   
Left you mCultiple missed callsa   
Em (pauza)
And to my message, you reply

         Why'd you only call me when you'rea high?
e High, why'd youC only call me when you'ra e high?

e Somewhere darkeCr, tala king the same shite
e I need a partneCr, wela l, are you out tonight?
e It's harder andC harder to get you to lia sten, more I get through the geae rs
Incapable ofC making alrigha t decisions and having bad ideas

e         Now iCt's three in the moa rning
And I'm trying to change your mind e   
Left you mCultiple missed callsa   
And to my message, you re eply

       C  Why'd you only call mea when you're high?
e High, wChy'd you only call me wha en you're high?

a        AnCd I can't see yoe u here, wondering where I mia ght
It Csorta feels like I'm runnie ng out of time  a   
I hCaven't found what I was hoe ping to find    a   

You said you gHotta be up in the morning, gonna have an early night
AHnd you're starting to bore me, baby, why'd you only call me when you're high?

C e
C e
C e
C e

Why'dC you only ever phone a me when you're highe
Why'dC you only ever phone a me when you're highe
Why'dC you only ever phone a me when you're hige h?
Why'dC you only ever phone me when youe 're

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