Lovely Billie Eilish

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Początkujący
    412 ulubionych
CThought I found a way
e Thought I found a way, yeahh (found)
But Cyou never go away (never go away)
So I e guess I gotta stay now    h 

Oh, I hope someC day I’ll make it eout ofh here
Even if it Ctakes all night or a ehundredh years
Need a place to Chide, but I can’t efind oneh near
Wanna feel Calive, outside I can efight my hfear

CIsn’t it lovely, all alone
eHeart made of glass, myh mind of stone
CTear me to pieces, skin and bone
e Hello, whelcome homeC 

CWalkin’ out of town
e Lookin’ for a better place h(lookin’ for a better place)
CSomething’s on my mind
e Always in my headspace  h 

Oh, I hope some Cday I’ll make it oeut of hhere
Even if it Ctakes all night or a ehundred hyears
Need a place to Chide, but I can’t efind one hnear
Wanna feel alCive, outside I can efight my hfear

CIsn’t it lovely, all alone
e Heart made of glass, my hmind of stone
CTear me to pieces, skin and bone
e Hello, hwelcome home

CWoah, e yeah
hYeah, Cah
e Woah, hwoah

C e h

C  e Hello, hwelcome homee

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