Piano Man Billy Joel

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Początkujący
    20 ulubionych

C G F C F C D7 G C G F C F G C G

It's Cnine o'Gclock on a FSaturCday
The Fregular Ccrowd shuffles D7in G 
There's an Cold man Gsitting Fnext to Cme
Making Flove to his Gtonic and Cgin G 

He says, "CSon, can you Gplay me a FmemoCry
I'm Fnot really Csure how it D7goesG 
But it's Csad and it's Gsweet and I Fknew it comCplete
When FI wore a Gyounger man's Cclothes."

a la la la, di da D7da
a La la, di di D7da da GdumF  C  G7  

CSing us a Gsong, you're the Fpiano Cman
FSing us a Csong toD7nightG 
Well, we're Call in the Gmood for a FmeloCdy
And Fyou've got us all Gfeeling alCright G 

Now CJohn at the Gbar is a Ffriend of Cmine
He Fgets me my Cdrinks for D7freeG 
And he's Cquick with a Gjoke and he'll Flight up your Csmoke
But there's Fsome place that Ghe'd rather Cbe  G 

He says, "CBill, I beGlieve this is Fkilling Cme."
As the Fsmile ran aCway from his D7faceG 
"Well I'm Csure that I Gcould be a Fmovie Cstar
If FI could get Gout of this Cplace"

a la la la, di da D7da
a La la, di di D7da da GdumF  C  G7  

Now CPaul is a Greal estate FnoveClist
Who Fnever had Ctime for a D7wifeG 
And he's Ctalking with GDavy, who's Fstill in the CNavy
And Fprobably will Gbe for ClifeG 

And the Cwaitress is Gpracticing FpoliCtics
As the Fbusinessman Cslowly gets D7stonedG 
Yes, they're Csharing a Gdrink they call FloneliCness
But it's Fbetter than Gdrinking aClone G 

CSing us a Gsong, you're the Fpiano Cman
FSing us a Csong toD7nightG 
Well, we're Call in the Gmood for a FmeloCdy
And Fyou've got us all Gfeeling alCright G 

It's a Cpretty good Gcrowd for a FSaturCday
And the Fmanager Cgives me a D7smile G 
'Cause he Cknows that it's Gme they've been Fcoming to Csee
To Fforget about Glife for a wChileG 

And the Cpiano, it Gsounds like a FcarniCval
And the Fmicrophone Csmells like a D7beerG 
And they Csit at the Gbar and put Fbread in my Cjar
And say, "FMan, what are Gyou doing Chere?"G 

a la la la, di da D7da
a La la, di di D7da da GdumF  C  G7  

CSing us a Gsong, you're the Fpiano Cman
FSing us a Csong toD7nightG 
Well, we're Call in the Gmood for a FmeloCdy
And Fyou've got us all Gfeeling alCright

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