We Didn't Start the Fire Billy Joel

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Tonacja G
    10 ulubionych
intro G D | e C | x2

1. GHarry Truman, Doris Day, DRed China, Johnnie Ray
e South Pacific, Walter Winchell, CJoe DiMaggio
GJoe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, DStudebaker, television
e North Korea, South Korea, CMarilyn Monroe

instrumental G D | e C

2. GRosenbergs, H-bomb, DSugar Ray, Panmunjom
e Brando, "The King and I" Cand "The Catcher in the Rye"
GEisenhower, vaccine, DEngland's got a new queen
e Marciano, Liberace, CSantayana goodbye

chorus GWe didn't start the Dfire
It was e always burning since the Cworld's been turning
GWe didn't start the Dfire
No we e didn't light it, but we Ctried to fight it

3. GJoseph Stalin, Malenkov, DNasser and Prokofiev
e Rockefeller, Campanella, CCommunist Bloc
GRoy hn, Juan Peron, DToscanini, dacron
e Dien Bien Phu falls, C"Rock Around the Clock"

4. GEinstein, James Dean, DBrooklyn's got a winning team
e Davy Crockett, Peter Pan, CElvis Presley, Disneyland
GBardot, Budapest, DAlabama, Krushchev
e Princess Grace, "Peyton Place", Ctrouble in the Suez

chorus GWe didn't start the Dfire
It was e always burning since the Cworld's been turning
GWe didn't start the Dfire
No we e didn't light it, but we Ctried to fight it

5. CLittle Rock, Pasternak, a Mickey Mantle, Kerouac
e Sputnik, Chou En-Lai, D"Bridge on the River Kwai"
CLebanon, Charlse de Gaulle, a California baseball
e Starkweather, homicide, Dchildren of thalidomide

6. GBuddy Holly, "Ben Hur", Dspace monkey, Mafia
e Hula hoops, Castro, CEdsel is a no-go
GU-2, Syngman Rhee, Dpayola and Kennedy
e Chubby Checker, "Psycho", CBelgians in the Congo

chorus GWe didn't start the Dfire
It was e always burning since the Cworld's been turning
GWe didn't start the Dfire
No we e didn't light it, but we Ctried to fight it

7. GHemingway, Eichmann, D"Stranger in a Strange Land"
e Dylan, Berlin, CBay of Pigs invasion
G"Lawrence of Arabia", DBritish Beatlemania
e Ole Miss, John Glenn, CListon beats Patterson

8. GPope Paul, Malcolm X, DBritish politician sex
e JFK, blown away, Cwhat else do I have to say

chorus GWe didn't start the Dfire
It was e always burning since the Cworld's been turning
GWe didn't start the Dfire
No we e didn't light it, but we Ctried to fight it

9. GBirth control, Ho Chi Minh, DRichard Nixon back again
e Moonshot, Woodstoock, CWatergate, punk rock
GBegin, Reagan, Palestine, Dterror on the airline
e Ayatollah's in Iran, CRussians in Afghanistan

10. G"Wheel of Fortune", Sally Ride, Dheavy metal, suicide
e Foreign debts, homeless vets, CAIDS, crack, Bernie Goetz
GHypodermics on the shores, DChina's under martial law
e Rock and roller cola wars, CI can't take it anymore

chorus GWe didn't start the Dfire
It was e always burning since the Cworld's been turning
GWe didn't start the Dfire
But when e we are gone, will it Cstill burn on, and Don, and on, and on… e C

GWe didn't start the Dfire
It was e always burning since the Cworld's been turning
GWe didn't start the Dfire
No we e didn't light it, but we Ctried to fight it
| powt. do wyciszenia

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Informacje o Piosence

Tekst utworu zawiera ponad 100 nagłówków z gazet dot. wydarzeń pomiędzy 1949 (rokiem urodzenia Joel'a) a 1989 (rokiem wydania albumu "Storm Front", na którym znalazł się utwór). [en.wikipedia]