Buffalo Soldier Bob Marley
Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę
14 ulubionych
A7 ....
A,F#m Buffalo soldier, dreadlocks rasta
F#m,A,F#m There was a Buffalo soldier, In the heart of America
F#m,A,D,C#m,D,C#m If you know your history
D,C#m,D,C#m Then you wouldn't have to ask me
F#m,A,F#m I'm just a Buffalo soldier, In the heart of America
A,F#m Stolen from Africa, brought to America
F#m,A,A,A,F#m Said he was woe yoe yoe woe yoe yoe, Woe yoe yoe yo yo yo
F#m,D Buffalo soldier, trodding through the land oh
C#m,F#m,F#m Said he wanna ran then you wanna hand,
F#m,D,C#m,E7 Trodding through the land yea yea, Said he was a .....
A,F#m Buffalo soldier, dreadlocks rasta
F#m,A,F#m There was a Buffalo soldier, In the heart of America
F#m,A,D,C#m,D,C#m If you know your history
/C#,E/B,F#m Then you would know where you coming fromD,C#m,D,C#m Then you wouldn't have to ask me
/C#,E/B,F#m Who the heck do I think I amF#m,A,F#m I'm just a Buffalo soldier, In the heart of America
A,F#m Stolen from Africa, brought to America
F#m,A,A,A,F#m Said he was woe yoe yoe woe yoe yoe, Woe yoe yoe yo yo yo
F#m,D Buffalo soldier, trodding through the land oh
C#m,F#m,F#m Said he wanna ran then you wanna hand,
F#m,D,C#m,E7 Trodding through the land yea yea, Said he was a .....

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