Baby I love your way Bob Marley

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Shandy10love
    7 ulubionych
SGhab doe ws CgrF7ow so long before my e yes, and they're m oving, ac ross the page
GSub d de enlCy F7the day turns into ni ght, far away, from the c ity
b ButE7 doa n&#D739;t, hesi tate, cause your l ove, won't w ait

GOoDh,a baby I love your way (everyday)
GWaDnna a tell you I love you r way (everyday)
GWaDnna a be with you night a nd day

GM b oone apCpeF7ars to shin e, and light the s ky, with the h elp, of some f irefly
GW b onde er how they h ave, the power to sh ine, shine, shine
CI F7can se e them, un der the pine
b ButE7 doa n&#D739;t, hesi tate, cause your l ove, won't w ait
GI b cane seCe F7the s unset in your e yes, brown and g rey, and b lue besides
GClb oude s aCreF7 stalking islands in the sun , I wish I could b uy one, out of s eason
b ButE7 doa n&#D739;t, hesi tate, cause your l ove, won't w ait

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