Redemption Song Bob Marley

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę s314ryt
    95 ulubionych
#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------#
#This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the #
#song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. #
From: bcurry@hpb.hwc.ca (Brent Curry)
Subject: CRD: Redemption Song Bob Marley


by Bob Marley



Old GPirates, yes, they rob e7 I. 
SoldC I to the G/Bmerchant ships  a   
Gminutes after they tooke I  C from the G/Bbottomlessa pit.
But my Ghand was madee7 strong
CBy the hand G/Bof the Almigha ty.
We foGrward in this genere ationC triumphantDly.

   Won't you help to singG   C thesDe songs of Gfreedom?
   'Cause Call I Dever hade ,   C redDemptionG songs,
  C redDemptionG songs.  C 
DEmanciGpate yourselves from mental e7 slavery,
None but ouCrselves can G/Bfree our minds. a   
Have noG fear for atomic enere gy,
'Cause none ofC them can G/Bstop the time. a   
How Glong shall they kill our e7 prophets
While weC stand aG/Bside and look? a   
Yes, some sayG it's just a e part of it.
We've Cgot to fulfill theD book.


Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery,
None but ourselves can free our minds.
Have no fear for atomic energy,
'Cause none of them can stop the time.
How long shall they kill our prophets
While we stand aside and look?
Yes, some say it's just a part of it.
We've got to fulfill the book.
Won't you help to sing these songs of freedom?
'Cause all I ever had, redemption songs,
These songs of freedom, songs of freedom.

G 320003 Em7 020000
C x32010 G/B x20003
a x02210 Em 022000
D xx0232

Reply-To: pat@jaameri.gsfc.nasa.gov (patrick m. ryan)

I got this a while ago from Chris Bray. I added the intro line

Redemption Song
Bob Marley

transcription by csb1@engr.uark.edu (Chris Bray)
with intro tab by pat@jaameri.gsfc.nasa.gov (patrick m. ryan)

"Redemption Song" is my favorite Marley tune, although it is not the
best example of reggae, since he's playing in more a folk vein. We
do a cover version that is more reggae style. (this is from memory
and my band has totally reworked the middle section, so forgive me
if there are mistakes...) -Chris Bray


first verse:

     G|   .   .   .   e |   .   .   .   C|   .   bsus4 . .   a | . . . |

repeat twice

     G|   .   .   .   e |   .   .   .   C|   .   bsus4 . .   D| . . . |


(Won't you help me...)
     D| . . .

     G|   .   .   .   C|   .   D.   .   G|   .   .   .   C|   .   D. . |

     e |   .   .   .   C|   .   D.   .   G|   .   .   .   C|   .   D. . |

     G|   .   .   .   C|   .   D. .

second verse:

(Emancipate yourself...)
     G|   .   .   .   e |   .   .   .   C|   .   bsus4 . .   a | . . . |

     G|   .   .   .   e |   .   .   .   C|   .   bsus4 . .   D| . . . |

     G|   .   .   .   e |   .   .   .   C|   .   bsus4 . .   a | . . . |

     G|   .   .   .   e |   .   .   .   C|   .   bsus4 . .   D| . . . |

repeat chorus.

middle section with acoustic guitar solo-type thing -- I can't recall
this from memory -- sorry

third verse: repeat the second verse

repeat chorus (extend ending to repeat "Redemption Song" lyrics...)

here's what i know about "redemption song"

intro: play around on the bottom three strings, while fingering the g... all
the notes occur in the g-pentatonic scale (i figured this out by ear...
it's very easy)

verse: ...(D)emanci(G)pate yourself from mental (e )slavery,
none but our(C)selves can free our (a )minds.
(G)Have no fear for atomic (e )energy,
'cos none of (C)them can stop the (D)time... etc...

chorus: (...D)won't you help to (G)sing,
(C) these songs of (D)freedom,
(G)'cos all i (C)ever (D)had (Em,C,D)
(was) (G)redemption (C)songs, (D) etc...

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