Purple Rain Bruce Springsteen

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Początkujący
    69 ulubionych
G e D C
G   I never meant to cause you any seorrow
D   I never meant to cause you any pCain
G   I only wanted to  see you laughieng
D   I only wanted to see you laughing Din the Purple RaGin

nie gramy C
Purple Rain Purple Rain
  C Purple Rain Purple RaiGn
  e Purple Rain Purple RainD    D 
  D I only wanted to see you bathiDng in the Purple GRain

nie gramy G e
I never wanted to be your weekend lover
   I only wanted to be some Dkind of friend   C 
G   Baby I could never steal you from anoether   D 
D   It's such a shame our friendship had to Gend

nie gramy C
Purple Rain Purple Rain
 C  Purple Rain Purple RaGin
 e  Purple Rain Purple RaDin   D 
 D  I only want to see you underDneath the Purple GRain

nie gramy G
Honey I know I know I know times are changin'
e  It's time we all reach out for Dsomethin' new

   That means yCou too
G You say you want a leader
   But you ecan't seem to make up your mind
   I think you better clDose it
   Let me guide you darliin to the Purple GRain

nie gramy C
Purple Rain Purple Rain
  C Purple Rain Purple RaGin
 e  Purple Rain Purple RaDin        D 
  D I only want to see you underDneath the Purple GRain

G e D C improwizujemy

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