Affection Cigarettes After Sex

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Katarzyna Szostak
    7 ulubionych
GI know that you sDay a I get mean when CI'm drinking
GBut then agaDin a sometimes I get Creally sweet so..
GWhat does it meDan if a I tell you Cto go fuck yourself?
GOr if I sDay that a you're beautiful tCo me

GIt's affection alDways
a You're gonna see it Csomeday
GMy attention Dfor you
a Even if it's not what Cyou need

GSometimes we Dtalk a all night long, we Cdon't shut up
GAnd when it's lDate a we'll say we're still Cwide awake so...
GWe love to tDalk aa bout how you'll come Cup to visit me
GAnd we'll rent a cDar and we'll da rive upCstate

GIt's affection alDways
a You're gonna see it Csomeday
GMy attention's oDn you
a Even if it's not whaCt you need

GI think of you
DI want you too
a I'd fall for Cyou

GIt's affection alDways…
a C

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