Sunsez Cigarettes After Sex

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Katarzyna Szostak
    7 ulubionych
[Zwrotka 1]
FSun sets, wea wander through a foreign d town C 
FStrangely, ta here's nobody else ard ound C 
FSee you ua p on your dress and sd how me your Ctits
FOn the sa wing set at the od ld playgrCound

FAnd when youa go d away, I stiCll see you
FThe sunlighta on your fd ace in the reCar view

[Zwrotka 2]
FSun sa ets, I want to hear your vd oice  C 
FA lova e that nobody could desd troy C 
FTook a photographd s like proud Cicons [?]
FBook a covers that we both add ored C 

FAnd when youa go d away, I stiCll see you
FThe sunlighta on your fd ace in the reCar view

FThis always a happens to d me this waCy
FRecurring visions of a sucd h sweet dCays

FAnd when youa go d away, I stiCll see you
FThe sunlighta on your fd ace in the reCar view

Fwhen you go a awayd , I still sCee you
FThe sunlighta on your fd ace in the reCar view

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