Amsterdam David Bowie

In the dport of Amdsterdam there'as a sailor whoa sings
Of the dBreams that he Bbrings from thAe wide opAen sea
In thed port of Amdsterdam thereC's a sailor whCo sleeps
While the Briver bank Aweeps to thed old willow dtree

In theF port of AmFsterdam there'sC a sailor Awho dies
Full of dbeer, full odf cries in a darunken town afight
In the pBort of AmsBterdam therea's a sailora who's born
On a hotB muggy mornA by the dawn'ds early lighdt

In the dport of Admsterdam wherea the sailoras all meet
There's Ba sailor who eBats only fish Aheads and taAils
And he'll dshow you his tdeeth that_Chave rotted toCo soon
That can hBaul_up the Asails that cdan swallow thed moon

And heF yells to the Fcook with hCis arms open wAide
Hey, bridng me more fishd, throw it adown by my sidae
And he wantBs so to belchB but he's toao full to try    a 
So he stBands up and lAaughs and he zdips up his flyd 

In the dport of Admsterdam you acan see sailors adance
PauncheBs bursting theBir pants, gArinding women tAo porch
They'vde forgotten tdhe tune thatC their whiskeyC voice croaked
SBplitting thAe night with the droar of theidr jokes

And thFey turn and they Fdance and Cthey laugh and Athey lust
Till thed rancid soundd of the acacordion burasts
And then outB of the nigBht with theiar pride in theiar pants
And the sBluts that tAhey tow dunderneath the stdreet lamps

In the dport of Admsterdam therae's a sailor whoa drinks
And he dBrinks and he drBinks and heA drinks once agAain
He'll ddrink to thed health of tChe whores of ACmsterdam
Who've givBen theirB bodies to a tA7housand otherA7 men

Yeah, thFey've bargained Ftheir virtue,C their goodneAss all gone
For a fewd dirty coidns, well hea just cana't go on
ThrowsB his nose toB the sky aand he aims it aup above
And he pBisses likAe I cry on thde unfaithfdul love

In the dport of Admsterdam, in athe port of Amstaerdam

In the dport of Amsdterdam, in tChe port of AmsCterdam
B A d d

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Ocena czytelników: Doskonały 1 głos

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Słowa Jacques Brel (tłumaczenie na angielski by David Bowie – 1972)