Life Golden Life

Florian Pawlak
Florian Pawlak
4 lata temu
Ta piosenka ma jedno opublikowane opracowanie
Album: Bluberd
Rok: 1997
Instrument: Tylko Tekst


Have you had enough of changes
have you had enough of changing
like a bird you have flown
through the shadows of yours forsaken hopes
you broke tree come to me trying
through the mansion
of the watch me nows
you were caught you were bought
you broke out come to me flying
have you had enough try smiling
like a siren in a sailors dream
you toutched the pure the obscene
you broke out without doubt flying
life is for those who live
life is for those who live.

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Status: Zatwierdzona
Wartość: 2 punkty karmy

Głosy i komentarze

  • tris

    głosował za zatwierdzeniem 70 punktami 4 lata temu

  • klono

    głosował za zatwierdzeniem 70 punktami 4 lata temu



Florian Pawlak
Nowe opracowania 4 lata temu