Amazon (let This Be A Voice) John Denver

Katarzyna Szostak
Katarzyna Szostak
4 lata temu
Ta piosenka ma 2 opublikowane opracowania
Instrument: Gitara


DThere is a rivGer that ruDns from the mountains
DThat one rGiverD is all rivers
GAll rivers aDre that one

There is a tree that stands in the forest
That one tree is all forests
All trees are that one

There is a flower that blooms in the desert
That one blossom is all flowers
All flowers are that one

There is a bird that sings in the jungle
That one song is all music
All songs are that one

GIt is Athe Dsong of life
GIt is Athe flDower of faith
GIt is Athe treeD of temptation
GIt is Athe rDiveAr Dof nDo rAegDret

There is a child that cries in the ghetto
That one child is all children
All children are that one

There is a vision that shines in the darkness
That one vision is all of our dreams
All of our dreams are that one

It is a vision of heaven
It is a child of promise
It is the song of life
It is the river of no regret

ALet this bGe a voice for Dthe mountains
Let this be a voice for the river
Let this be a voice for the forest
Let this be a voice for the flowers
Let this be a voice for the ocean
Let this be a voice for the desert
Let this be a voice for the children
Let this be a voice for the dreamers
Let this be a voice of no regret

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Status: Zatwierdzona
Wartość: 20 punktów karmy

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  • tris

    głosował za zatwierdzeniem 70 punktami 4 lata temu

  • klono

    głosował za zatwierdzeniem 70 punktami 4 lata temu



Katarzyna Szostak
Nowe opracowania 4 lata temu