Oh, Susanna Stephen Collins Foster

4 lata temu
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Drugi Wykonawca: Piosenki wojny secesyjnej
Autor Tekstu: Stephen Collins Foster (1826-1864)
Kompozytor: Stephen Collins Foster (1826-1864)
Instrument: Tylko Tekst


I came from Alabama,
Wid my banjo on my knee,
I'm gwyne to Louisiana,
My true love for to see;
It rain'd all night the day I left,
The weather it was dry,
The sun so hot, I froze to death,
Susanna don't you cry.

Oh! Susanna,
Oh don't you cry for me,
I've come from Alabama
Wid my banjo on my knee.

I jumped aboard de telegraph,
And trabbled down de riber,
De lectric fluid magnified,
And killed five hundred chigger*.
The bullgine bust, de horse run off,
I really thought I'd die;
I shut my eyes to hold my breath,
Susanna don't you cry.
I had a dream de odder night
When ebery ting was still,
I thought I saw Susanna
A comin down the hill;
The buck-wheat cake was in her mouth,
The tear was in her eye;
Says I, "I'm coming from the South
Susanna don't you cry."

I soon will be in New Orleans,
And den I'll look around,
And when I find Susanna,
I will fall upon de ground.
And if I do not find her,
Dis darkie'll surely die,
And when I'm dead and buried,
Susanna, don't you cry.

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Status: Zatwierdzona
Wartość: 2 punkty karmy

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