Away in the Gutter Ye Banished Privateers

1 rok temu
Ta piosenka ma jedno opublikowane opracowanie
Album: A Pirate Stole My Christmas
Rok: 2021
Instrument: Tylko Tekst


Away in the gutter
In a mangy ol' shed
Poor master Black Pete
Lay down his vile head

The drums are still ringing
The poor pirate wakes
He's flailing and fighting
All down with the shakes

I beg ye lord Jesus
Look down from the sky
And bring this poor retch
'Til morning is nigh
A bottle of whiskey
Or of rum if you may
And save me from black cats
While I wander astray

The laden old sky
Pissed down where he lay
The last wretched pirate
They left in the bay

And save me from cutlass
From drowning and axе
But most from that bastard
With the dueling sack

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Status: Zatwierdzona
Wartość: 2 punkty karmy

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