Hound Dog Elvis Presley

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Początkujący Tonacja C
    10 ulubionych
You ain't nothin' but a Chound dog,
CCryin' all the time
You ain't nothin' but a Fhound dog
Cryin' all the Ctime
Well, you ain't Gnever caught a rabbit
And you Fain't no friend of Cmine

When they said you was Chigh classed
CWell, that was just a lie
Yeah they said you was Fhigh classed,
Well, that was just a Clie
Well, you ain't Gnever caught a rabbit
And you Fain't no friend of Cmine

You ain't nothin' but a Chound dog
CCryin' all the time
You ain't nothin' but a Fhound dog
Cryin' all the Ctime
Well, you ain't Gnever caught a rabbit
And you Fain't no friend of Cmine

C | C | C | C
F | F | C | C
G | F | C | C

When they said you was Chigh classed
CWell, that was just a lie
Yeah they said you was Fhigh classed,
Well, that was just a Clie
Well, you ain't Gnever caught a rabbit
And you Fain't no friend of Cmine

C | C | C | C
F | F | C | C
G | F | C | C

When they said you was Chigh classed
CWell, that was just a lie
You know they said you was Fhigh classed,
Well, that was just a Clie
Well, you ain't Gnever caught a rabbit
And you Fain't no friend of Cmine

You ain't nothin' but a Chound dog
CCryin' all the time
You ain't nothin' but a Fhound dog
Cryin' all the Ctime
Well, you ain't Gnever caught a rabbit
And you Fain't no friend of mCine     Cis    C 

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  • Anonimowy Użytkownik
    Prosze postarajcie sie o tabulatury do Elvisa P. please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    · Zgłoś · 18 lat