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And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda Eric Bogle

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kapodaster V próg w oryginalnym wykonaniu Bogle'a

Now when GI was a Cyoung man I Gcarried me e pack
And I Glived the free Dlife on the Grover
From the Murray's green Cbasin to the Gdusty oute back
Well, I Gwaltzed my MatDilda all Gover

Then in D1915 me Ccountry said, GSon
It's Dtime you stopped rambling, there's Cwork to be Gdone
So they gave me a Ctin hat, and they Ggave me a e gun
And they Gmarched me awDay to the Gwar

GAnd the band played CWaltzing MatGilda
As the ship pulled awCay from the Dquay
And amiCdst all the ca heers, the flag-wGaving and te ears
We Gsailed off for DGallipoGli

And how Gwell I reCmember that Gterrible e day
How our Gblood stained the Dsand and the Gwater
And of how in that Chell that they Gcall Suvla e Bay
We were Gbutchered like Dlambs at the Gslaughter

Johnny DTurk he was waiting, he'd Cprimed himself Gwell
He Dshowered us with bullets, and he Crained us with Gshell
And in five minutes Cflat he'd Gblown us all to e hell
Nearly Gblew us right Dback to AustrGalia

GBut the band played CWaltzing MatGilda
When we stopped to Cbury our Dslain
CWe buried a ours, and the GTurks buried e theirs
Then we Gstarted all Dover agGain

And tGhose that were Cleft, well, we Gtried to sure vive
In that Gmad world of Dblood, death and Gfire
And for ten weary Cweeks I kept Gmyself ale ive
While arGound me the Dcorpses piled Ghigher

Then a Dbig Turkish shell knocked me Carse over Ghead
And Dwhen I woke up in me Chospital Gbed
And saw what it had Cdone, well, I Gwished I was e dead
Never Gknew there was Dworse things than Gdying

GFor I'll go no more CWaltzing MatGilda
All around the green Cbush far and Dfree
To Chump tent and a pegs a mGan needs both le egs
No more GWaltzing MatDilda for Gme

So they Ggathered the Ccrippled, the Gwounded, the e maimed
And they Gshipped us back Dhome to AustrGalia
The legless, the Carmless, the Gblind, the ine sane
Those Gproud wounded Dheroes of GSuvla

And Das our ship pulled into CCircular GQuay
I Dlooked at the place where me Clegs used to Gbe
And thanked Christ there was Cnobody Gwaiting for e me
To Ggrieve, to Dmourn, and to Gpity

GBut the band played CWaltzing MatGilda
As they carried us Cdown the gangDway
But Cnobody a cheered, they just Gstood and e stared
Then they Gturned all their Dfaces aGway

And so Gnow every CApril I Gsit on my e porch
And I Gwatch the parDade pass beGfore me
And I see my old Ccomrades how Gproudly they e march
ReGviving old Ddreams of past Gglory

And the Dold men march slowly, all Cbones stiff and Gsore
They're Dtired old heroes from a Cforgotten Gwar
And the young people Cask, "What are tGhey marching fe or?"
And GI ask meDself the same Gquestion

GBut the band plays CWaltzing MatGilda
And the old men still Canswer the Dcall
But as Cyear follows a year, more old Gmen disape pear
Someday Gno one will Dmarch there at Gall

outro - wolno, na melodię "Waltzing Matilda"

GWaltzing Matilda, CWaltzing Matilda
GWho'll come a-e Waltzing Maa tilda with Dme?
And their Gghosts may be Dheard as they e march by that Cbillabong
GWho'll come a-Waltzing MaDtilda with Gme?

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