Fly Me to the Moon Frank Sinatra

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Średni Tonacja a
    125 ulubionych
a7 Fly me to the d7 moon, let me G7play among the C7+ stars,
Fsus4Let me see what h7b5 spring is like on E7- Jupiter and a7 Mars, A7  
In d7 other words G7- hold my C7+ hand, F7   e7     A7  
In d7 other words G7- baby, C7+ kiss me. h7b5       E7  

a7 Fill my heart with d7 song, and let me G7sing forever C7+ more,
Fsus4You are all I h7b5 long for all I E7- worship and aa7 dore. A7  
In d7 other words G7- please be C7+ true, F7   e7     A7  
In d7 other words G7- I love C7+ you.  h7b5       E7  

a7 Fill my heart with d7 song, let me G7sing forever C7+ more,
Fsus4You are all I h7b5 long for all I E7worship and aa7 dore. A7  
In d7 other words G7- please be C7+ true, F7   e7     A7  
In d7 other words,G7  
In Gis7other words,
g7 I - G7love - Cyou.

Cmaj7 = X35453
Fsus = 1X221X
Bm7b5 = X2323X

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