Good Riddance Green Day

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Aleksan
    15 ulubionych
INTRO plucked
G-8 C-4 D-4 X2

VERSE plucked
GAnother turning point a Cfork stuck in theD road,
GTime grabs you by the wrist, and Cdirects you where toD go
e So make the Dbest of this Ctest and don't askG why
e It's not a Dquestion but a Clesson learned in Gtime
e Its something unpredicGtable but ine the end it'sG right
e I hope you had the Dtime of your Glife.

G-4 C-4 D-4 - plucked
G-8 C-4 D-4 - strummed

VERSE 2 strummed
GTake the photographs and Cstill frames in your Dmind
GHang it on a shelf and in Cgood health and good Dtime
e Tattoos theD memories and thisC test go onG trial
e For what it's Dworth it was Cworth all the Gwhile
e Its something unpredicGtable but ine the end it'sG right
e I hope you had the Dtime of your Glife.

SOLO strummed
G-4 C-4 D-4
G-8 C-4 D-4
G-8 C-4 D-4
G-8 C-4 D-4
Em-4 D-4 C-4 G-4
Em-4 D-4 C-4 C-4

e Its something unpredicGtable but ine the end it'sG right
e I hope you had the Dtime of your Glife.

G-4 C-4 D-4 - strummed
G-8 C-4 D-4 - plucked

plucked getting slower
e Its something unpredicGtable but ine the end it'sG right
e I hope you had the Dtime of your Glife.

Outro plucked getting slower
G-4 C-4 D-4
G-8 C-4 D-4

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Ocena czytelników: Niczego sobie 1 głos
  • Anonimowy Użytkownik
    Ja bym to C zastąpiła Cadd9 :) Ładniej brzmi i łatwiej zagrać :D

    · Zgłoś · 10 lat