7 years and 50 days Groove Coverage

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Średni
    2 ulubione
h7 years and fis50 days the Gtime is passing Dby
hnothing in this fisworld could be, as Gnice as you and DI
and hhow could we break fisup like this?
and Ghow could we be Dwrong?
hso many years, so fismany days
and GI still sing my Dsong

now i hrun to you, like i fisalways do
when i Gclose my eyes, i Dthink of you
such a hlonely girl, such a fislonely world
when i Gclose my eyes, i Ddream
i return to you, like i always do        h fis
when i close my eyes, i think of you     G D
such a lonely girl, such a lonely world  h fis
when i close my eyes i dream - of you    G D h

7 years and 50 days, now just look at me
another girl like use to be
so damn what do you see?
and how could we break up like this?
and how could we be wrong?
so many years so many days
and I still sing my song

now i run to you, like i always do
when i close my eyes, i think of you
such a lonely girl, such a lonely world
when i close my eyes, i dream
i return to you, like i always do
when i close my eyes, i think of you
such a lonely girl, such a lonely world
when i close my eyes i dream - of you

7 years and 50 days the time is passing by
nothing in this world could be, as nice as you and I
and how could we break up like this?
and how could we be wrong?
so many years so many days
and I still sing my song

now i run to you, like i always do
when i close my eyes, i think of you
such a lonely girl, such a lonely world
when i close my eyes, i dream
i return to you, like i always do
when i close my eyes, i think of you
such a lonely girl, such a lonely world
when i close my eyes i dream - of you

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Ocena czytelników: Słaby 1 głos
  • anonim
    eeeeeeeeee no bardzo czemu tak ze samolot
    · Zgłoś · 17 lat temu
  • anonim
    super, zajebisty, wyczepisty i wyjechany tekst a muza to już lepiej nic nie mówić taka dobra
    · Zgłoś · 19 lat temu
  • anonim
    Elo siomek
    Ta piosenka jest zajebista musze ją mieć ale nie moge znaleźć jej kurwa
    · Zgłoś · 19 lat temu
  • anonim
    jest zajebisty tak jak ipiosenka
    · Zgłoś · 20 lat temu
  • anonim
    hehe hehe hyhy huhu haha hihi hehe ho ho ha hy hi he hu he ho ho ha he hy hu hu ha he ho ho hy ha he h o hi hi hi hi ha ha h o o hehe he ha ha hho ohoho ha hyhyh yhyhyhy hehehe hahah hiohio hie hie
    · Zgłoś · 20 lat temu
  • anonim
    · Zgłoś · 20 lat temu
  • anonim
    zajebicho, superancki, wyjebany
    · Zgłoś · 20 lat temu
  • anonim
    zajebicho, superancki, wyjebany
    · Zgłoś · 20 lat temu
  • anonim
    Ten tekst jest spoko.
    · Zgłoś · 20 lat temu
  • anonim
    świetny tekst - zajebista piosenka! ]:->
    · Zgłoś · 20 lat temu
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