Hold Back The River James Bay

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Trdied tCo Fkeep yaou Bclose tao Fme
Baut Blife gaot iFn betweenCsus4      C 
Trided tCo sFquare naot Bbeinag tFhere
aBut tBhink athat FI should have beeCsus4n     C 
Bsus2Hold back the river, let me look in your eyes
Hold back the river, so I
FCan stop for a minute and see where you hide
Hold back the river, hold back

dOnce uCpoFn aa dBiffereant lFife
aWe rBode oaur bFikes into the skCsus4y     C 
dBut now Cwe cFall aagaBinst tahe Ftide
aThose dBistaant dFays are flashing byCsus4       C 
Bsus2Hold back the river, let me look in your eyes
Hold back the river, so I
CFan stop for a minute and be by your side
Hold back the river, hCold back
Bsus2Hold back the river, let me look in your eyes
Hold back the river, so I
FCan stop for a minute and see where you hide
Hold back the river, hCold back
Hdold CohFo, aohBo ao Fo
aOhBo  ao Fo, ohoooCsus4o     C 
FLonely water, lonely water, won't you Bsus2let us wander
Lget us hCold each other
FLonely water, lonely water, won't you Bsus2let us wander
gLet us hCold each other
Bsus2Hold back the river, let me look in your eyes
Hold back the river, so I
FCan stop for a minute and be by your side
Hold back the river, Chold back
Bsus2Hold back the river, let me look in your eyes
Hold back the river, so I
FCan stop for a minute and be by your side
Hold back the river, Chold
FLonely water, lonely water, won't you Bsus2let us wander
gLet us Chold each other
FLonely water, lonely water, won't you Bsus2let us wander
gLet us hold each other

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