If You Were a Sailboat tabs Katie Melua

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Katarzynka
    2 ulubione
cIf you were a cowboy i would traiAl you,
cif you were a piece of wood i'd nAail you to the fEloor,
f B E if you were a sailboat i would sail you to the shore, c A
if you were a river i would swim you,
cif you were a house i would lAive in you all my dEays,
fif you were a preacher i'd bBegin to change my wEays,

csometimes i believe in fAate
but the chances we cBreate,
always seem to ring more tArue,
fyou took a chance on loving Bme,
i took a chance on loving yEou

cif i was in jail i know you'd spAring me,
cif i were a telephone you'd rinAg me all day lEong,
fif i was in pain i know you'd sBing me soothing sEongs,

csometimes i believe in fAate
but the chances we cBreate,
always seem to ring more tArue,
fyou took a chance on loving Bme,
i took a chance on loving yEou

cif i was hungry you would fAeed me,
cif i was in darkness you would lAead me to the lEight,
fif i was a book i know you'd rBead me every niEght,

cIf you werAe a cowboy i would trail you,
cif you were a piece of wood i'd nAail you to the fEloor,
fif you were a sailboat i would sBail you to the sEhore,
fif you were a sailboat i would Bsail you to the Eshore,

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