Always Remember Us This Way Lady Gaga

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę guitarmusic
    426 ulubionych
That arizona saky burning in your eFyes
You loCok at me and, babe, I wanna catch on fGire
It's buried in my saoul like California gFold
You foCund the light in me that I couldn't fGind

So when I'm aFll choked up
But I can't find the wCords
Every taime you say goodbye
Baby, it hGurts
When the sFun goGes daown
And the bFand wGon't pClay
I'll aFlways remGember us this Cway

Lovers in the naight
Poets trying to Fwrite
We doCn't know how to rhyme
But, damn, we Gtry
But all I really kanow
You're where I wannaF go
The pCart of me that's you will never Gdie

So when I'm aFll choked up
But I can't find the wCords
Every taime you say goodbye
Baby, it hGurts
When the sFun goGes daown
And the bFand wGon't pClay
I'll aFlways remGember us this Bway

Oh yeah
FI don't wanna be just a memory baby
Cooh B    F    G 

When I'm aFll choked up
But I can't find the wCords
Every taime you say goodbye
Baby, it hGurts
When the sFun goGes daown
And the bFand wGon't pClay
I'll aFlways remGember us this away

When you lFook aGt mae
And the wFhole wGord fCades
I'll alFways remGember us this way    a 

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  • artuditu
    Wydaje mi się że w momencie "Every time you say goodbye", powinno się grac a-mol zamiast F. I na samym końcu zamiast a, C. Jeszcze, w wersji z filmu, jest taka przygrwka na końcu, F B F C, po C o którym pisałem.

    · Zgłoś · 4 lata