Stranger (Wciąż bardziej obcy) Lady Pank

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Magda Bogdan
E h7 G A h7 G A
h7 G A h7 G A
h7 G A h7 G A
h7 G A h7 G A

h7 Sometimes I've just Ghad eAnough
h7 And I feel that life is Gkinda Atough
h7 Maybe I could Gwork it Aout
h7 But there's nothing that I Gcare aAbout

 I'm just a h7stranger fis    G  A 
 I'm just a h7stranger fishere
 GNo one Anear
 I'm just a hstranger fis    G  A 
 I'm just a astranger fishere
 I Glive in Afear

h7 G A h7 G A
h7 G A h7 G A
h7 G A h7 G A
h7 G A h7 G A

h7 Sometimes someone Gsays to Ame
h7 You need love and maybe GsympaAthy
h7 Maybe I could Gfind my Away
h7 But there's no one that I Glove toAday

 I'm just a hstranger fis    G  A 
 I'm just a astranger fishere
 GNo one Anear
 I'm just a hstranger fis    G  A 
 I'm just a astranger fishere
 I Glive in Afear  h 

 I'm just a hstranger fis    G  A 
 I'm just a astranger fishere
 GNo one Anear
 I'm just a hstranger fis    G  A 
 I'm just a astranger fishere
 I Glive in Afear  h 

dis7Stranger Fis    Gis   
dis7Stranger Fis    Gis   
dis7Stranger Fis    Gis   
dis7Stranger Fis    Gis   

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