Tangerine Led Zeppelin

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Średni
    4 ulubione
a MeaAsus4suringa a sumGmer's dayD,
I a only Asus4find  a it Gslips aDway Cto Cgrey,a    G  D 
The a hours, they Gbring me Dpain.

D a G C G C D G

GTangeDriCne, Tangerine,C  G  D 
GLiving reDflections from a Cdream;D 
GI was her Dlove, she was my CqueenD,
And now a thousand Gyears beCtweDen.

a ThinkAsus4ing  a how it Gused Dto be,
a Does Asus4she  a still reGmember Dtimes Clike Cthesea ?  G  D 
To a think of Gus aDgain?

D a G C G

And I Cdo.

a C G D F E F C G D C D G D C D


GTangeDriCne, Tangerine,C  G  D 
GLiving reDflections from a Cdream;D 
GI was her Dlove, she was my CqueenD,
And now a thousand Gyears beCtweDen.

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