Monochromatic Mary Lambert

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Katarzyna Szostak
a Every Gmorning it's the Fsame thing
a Sidewalks oGf people with who caFres stares
a My heart's too Gbig for this Fcity
a My heart's too Gbig for my ownF body
a My heart's too Gbig for you toF understand me

a When I Fclose my eCyes

I dream in color
a But my life'sF in black and whiteC 

Will it ever get better
a I'm not FmonochromaCtic
a Nobody'sF monochromCatic

a EverybGody's hurtinFg
a There's nothingG more human thaFn that
a See the pieces of heart's missing
a But watch how the Glight fills theF cracks
a My heart's too Gbig for theF city
a My heart's too Gbig for my ownF body
a My heart's too Gbig for you to underFstand me
a Please undGerstand Fme

a When I Fclose my eyesC 

I dream in color
a My life'sF in black and whiteC 

But it'll get better
a I'm not FmonochromaCtic
a Nobody'sF monochromCatic
a Nobody'sF monochromCatic
a I'm not FmonochromaCtic

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