The Fairy Song Mary Lambert

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Katarzyna Szostak
[Zwrotka 1]
Cthere's a Gforrest full of fDairies
Gtogether we will Deat magic bCerries
Cfafa and SGhasha are my fDriends
Gtogether the Dfun will never Cend

[Refren] (x2)
Cthere are fue n things to do
Gyou could come just Dme and you
Ci found some fairies and ye ou can too
we'll hGave some fun you Dknow its true

[Zwrotka 2]
Ceveryday Gwe can run and pDlay
Gwe will do it no Dmatter what you sCay
Ci feel sad wGhen they fly aDway
Gbut i know that Di will be okCay

Cthere are fe un things to do
Gyou could come just Dme and you
i Cfound some fairies and e you can too
we'll hGave some fun you Dknow its true

Cthere are e fun things to do
Gyou could come just Dme and you
i fCound some fairies and e you can too
we'll hGave some fun you kDnow its true you know its true

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