To hell and back Sabaton

Tekst piosenki

  • Tekst piosenki Zaawansowany
    6 ulubionych
F d F a C a d (x3)

dA short man from Texas
A Cman of thed wild
Thrown into combat,
Where Fbodies lie Cpiled
dHides his emotions,

His blood is running cold
Just like his victories,
His gstory uAnfolds

B Bright, a white Flight,
If there'd cbe,
Any glory in gwar
Let it B rest,
On men Alike him
ADead men will never come back

dCrosses grow onF Anzio
Where Cno soldier sleeps
And where ahell is six feetd deep
That death does wait
There's Fno debate
So acharge and aCttack
Going ato hell andd back
dA man of the 15th
A Cman of Can dDo
Friends fall around him
And Fyet he came Cthrough
dLet them fall face down
CIf they must ddie
Making it easier
To gsay gooAdbye
B Bright, a white Flight,
If there'd cbe,
Any glory in gwar
Let it B rest,
On men like Ahim
AWho went to hell and came back

dCrosses grow onF Anzio
Where Cno soldier sleeps
And where ahell is six feetd deep
That death does wait
There's Fno debate
So acharge and aCttack
Going ato hell andd back
B Oh gather 'Cround me
And dlisten while I speak
Of a B war where Chell is six feet ddeep
And B all along the Cshore
Where dcannons stillF roar
They're Fhaunting my B dreams
They're still Fthere when I Csleep

e C D e G D
e C D e G A

d F a C a d
d F a C a d

He saw fcrosses grow onGis Anzio
Where cno soldierDis sleeps
And where fhell is six feet deep

That death does wait
There's Gisno debate
He ccharged and Disattack
He went cto hell and fback

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Ocena czytelników: Niczego sobie 2 głosy