Paint it black The Rolling Stones

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Średni Tonacja d
    42 ulubione
intro grane na d

G i A w ostatnim wersie każdej zwrotki grane barre czyli G na 3 progu, a A na piątym progu .

dI see a red door and I want it Apainted black.
dNo colours anymore I want thAem to turn black.
dI    Csee the Fgirls walk by Cdressed in theird summer clothesDsus2.     d  Dsus4      d  Dsus2      d 
dI   Chave to tFurn my head Cun-til myG darkness Agoes.

Verse 2
dI see a line of cars and they're Aall painted black.
dWith flowers and by love both Anever to come back.
dI   sCee people Fturn their hCeads and quicdkly look away. Dsus2      d  Dsus4      d  Dsus2      d 
dLike a Cnew born Fbaby it Cjust happGens every Aday.

Verse 3
dI look inside myself and sAee my heart is black.
dI see my red door and I wAant it painted black.
dMaybe Cthen I'll Ffade a-wCay and not havde to face the facts. Dsus2      d  Dsus4      d  Dsus2      d 
dIt's not Ceasy fFacing Cup when yGour whole world isA black.

Verse 4
dNo more will my green sea go Aturn a deeper blue.
dI could not forsee this thing hapApening to you.
dIf  I Clook hard Fe-Cnough din-to the setting sun Dsus2      d  Dsus4      d  Dsus2      d 
dMy love wCill laFugh with Cme be-foGre the morning Acomes.

dHm Dsus4Hm h Hdm HDsus2m h Hm dHm HmA h Hm hmmm...

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