Hometown Glory Adele

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Redakcja
    13 ulubionych
a I've been walking Gin the se ame way as I dFid
Ma issing out the cracks in the pGavement
e And tutting my heel Fand strutting my feet
"a Is there anything I can do for yGou dear? Is there e anyone I can cFall?"
"a No and thank you, please MadGam. I ain't le ost, jFust wandering"

Ra ound my hometGown
Memories e are frFesh
Ra ound my hometGown
Ooh the pe eople I've mFet

Are the wa onders of mGy world
Are the we onders of mFy world
Are the wa onders of thGis world
Are the we onders of mFy world

a I like it in the city whGen the air is se o thick and Fopaque
a I love to see everybody Gin short ske irts, shorts Fand shades
a I like it in the city whGen two worlds ce ollidFe
Ya ou get the people and the gGovernment
Evere ybody taking differFent sides

Sha ows that we ain't gonna stand shGit
Shows that we are e united
Shows that we ain't gFonna take it
Sha ows that we ain't gonna stand shGit
Shows that we are e united F 

Ra ound my hometGown
Memories e are frFesh
Ra ound my hometGown
Ooh the pe eople I've mFet
Are the wa onders of mGy world
Are the we onders of mFy world
Are the wa onders of thGis world
Are the we onders of mFy world

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