Sultans Of Swing Dire Straits

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Średni Tonacja d
    94 ulubione
d d C
d d C
d d C
d d C

You get a d shiver in the dark, it's Craining in the B park but Ameantime
d South of the river you sCtop and you hB old everythAing
F  A band is blowing Dixie double fCour time
B  You feel alright when you hear that music rd ing   B     C 

Well now, you d step inside but you Cdon't see B too many fAaces
d  Coming in out of the Crain to hear the B jazz go Adown
F  Competition in other pClaces
B  Uh, but the horns they blowin' that d sound
B   C way on down south
B   C way on down south
d London Town

d C B C
d C B C

You check outd Guitar George,C   B he knowsA all the chords
d Mind he's strictly rhythm he Cdoesn't want to B make it cry Aor sing
F  They say an old guitar is Call he can afford
B  When he gets up under the lights to play his thid ng    B     C 

d  And Harry doesn't Cmind B if he doesn'tA make the scene
d He's got a daytime Cjob, he's B doin' alAright
F  He can play the honky tonk like aCnything
B  Saving it up for Friday night d       B     C 
with the Sultans  B     C 
with the Sultans of d Swing

d C B C
d C B C

Then a d crowd of young boys, they're Cfoolin' aB round in the Acorner
d  Drunk and dressed in their bestC brown baggies B and their platAform soles
F  They don't give a damn about about any Ctrumpet playin' band
B  It ain't what they call rock and rd oll    B     C 
and the Sultans B     C 
Yeah, the Sultans, they play d Creole

d C B C
d C B C

d  And then the man he stCeps right B up to the mAicrophone
d  And says at lCast just as the B time bell Aring A7  
F  Goodnight, now it's tCime to go home
B  Then he makes it fast with one more thd ing    B     C 
We are the Sultans B     C 
We are the Sultans of d Swing

d C B C
d C B C

d C B C

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