Why worry Dire Straits

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Średni Tonacja D
    13 ulubionych

DBaby, IA7 see this world has made you Dsad A7  
Some people can be Dbad G 
The things they E7do, the things theyA say h7     A7  
But bDaby, A7I'll wipe away those bitter Dtears A7  
I'll chase away those restlessD fears G 
That turn your E7blue skies intoA greyh7     A7  

Why woDrry
GThere should be lAaughter after theD pain G 
There should beA  sunshine afterD rain G 
These things haveA  always been theD same G 
So whyA worryD now G 
Why AworryD now G   A7  

D  Baby,A7 when I get down I turn toD you A7  
And you make sense of what ID do G 
I know it E7isn't hard toA sayh7    A7  
ButD babyA7, just when this world seems mean anDd coldA7  
Our love comes shining red andD gold G 
And all the E7rest is by theA wayh7     A7  

Why woDrry
GThere should be lAaughter after theD pain G 
There should beA  sunshine afterD rain G 
These things haveA  always been theD same G 
So whyA worryD now G 
Why AworryD now G   A7  

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