Tenerife Sea Ed Sheeran

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    8 ulubionych
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E5 Fis4(7) A9 x3
cis7 Bsus4 A9

1 Zwrotka
E5  You look so wFis4(7)onderful A9in your dress
E5  I love your hFis4(7)air like thA9at
E5  The way it fFis4(7)alls  
on the sA9ide of your neck
cis7  Down your shBsus4oulders and bA9ack

E5  We are surrFis4(7)ounded
By A9all of these lies
And pE5eople who tFis4(7)alk too mA9uch
E5  You've got that kFis4(7)ind   
Of lA9ook in your eyes
As if ncis7o one knows Bsus4anything but A9us

ShA9ould this be the lE5ast thing I sBsus4ee
I wA9ant you to know it's enE5ough for mBsus4
'Cause A9all that you are is E5all
That I'll ever nBsus4eed

I'm so in lE5ove Fis4(7)        A9  
So in lE5ove Fis4(7)        A9  
So in lE5ove Fis4(7)        A9  
So in lE5ove Fis4(7)        A9  

2 Zwrotka
E5  You look so bFis4(7)eautiful A9in this light
E5  Your silhouFis4(7)ette over mA9
E5  The way it brFis4(7)ings out
The blA9ue in your eyes
Is the tcis7enerife Bsus4  sA9ea

And E5all of the vFis4(7)oices 
SurrA9ounding us here
They just fE5ade out as yFis4(7)ou take a brA9eath
JE5ust say the wFis4(7)ord and we'A9ll disappear
cis7Into the wBsus4ildernA9ess

ShA9ould this be the lE5ast thing I sBsus4ee
I wA9ant you to know it's enE5ough for mBsus4
'Cause A9all that you are is E5all
That I'll ever nBsus4eed

I'm so in lE5ove Fis4(7)        A9  
So in lE5ove Fis4(7)        A9  
So in lE5ove Fis4(7)        A9  
So in lE5ove Fis4(7)        A9  

Lcis7umi___A9ère, dE5ar__lBsus4ing
Lcis7umi___A9ère over mBsus4

Lcis7umi___A9ère, dE5ar__lBsus4ing
Lcis7umi___A9ère over mBsus4

Lcis7umi___A9ère, dE5ar__lBsus4ing
Lcis7umi___A9ère over mBsus4

ShA9ould this be the lE5ast thing I sBsus4ee
I wA9ant you to know it's enE5ough for mBsus4
'Cause A9all that you are is E5all
That I'll ever nBsus4eed

I'm so in lE5ove Fis4(7)        A9  
So in lE5ove Fis4(7)        A9  
So in lE5ove, lFis4(7)ove,  lA9ove, love
So in lE5ove Fis4(7)        A9  

E5  You look so wFis4(7)onderful A9in your dress
E5  I love your hFis4(7)air like thA9at
E5  And in a mFis4(7)oment I knA9ew you, Beth

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