Photograph Ed Sheeran

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Początkujący
    632 ulubione
Capo 4 próg

C a G F

Loving can Churt
Loving can a hurt sometimes
But it's the Gonly thing that I knowF 

When it gets Chard
you know it can get a hard sometimes
it is the Gonly thing that makes us feel aliFve

a We keep this love in a photogFraph
CWe made these memories fGor ourselves
where our a eyes are never closing
our hFearts are never broken
and tCime's forever frozen sGtill

So you can Ckeep me inside the pocket of your
Gripped jeans holding me close until our
a eyes meet, you won't ever be alFone
Wait for me to come homeC 

Loving can Cheal
Loving can ma end your soul
And it's the Gonly thing that I know, Fknow

I swear it will get Ceasier
remember that with every piea ce of ya
And it's the Gonly thing we take with us when we diFe

a We keep this love in a photogFraph
CWe made these memories fGor ourselves
where our a eyes are never closing
our hFearts are never broken
and tCimes forever frozen stGill

So you can Ckeep me inside the pocket of your
Gripped jeans holding me close until our
a eyes meet, you won't ever be Falone
And if you Churt me that's ok baby, only
Gwords bleed inside these pages you just
a hold me and I won't ever let you Fgo

Wait for me to come ha ome
Wait for me to come hFome
Wait for me to come hCome
Wait for me to come hGome

Or you can fCit me inside the necklace you got when you were
Gsixteen next to your heart beat where I
a should be, keep it deep within your sFoul
And if you Churt me well that's ok baby, only
Gwords bleed inside these pages you just
a hold me and I won't ever let you Fgo

And when I'm aCway I will remember how you
Gkissed me under the lamppost back on sa ixth Street
hearing you whisper through the pFhone
Wait for me to come hCome

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