Perfect Ed Sheeran

  • Chwyty na gitarę Średni Tonacja G
    1231 ulubionych
  • Chwyty na ukulele Michał Letkiewicz
    85 ulubionych
I found a Glove for e me
Darling, just dC9ive right in
And follow my lDead Dsus4  
Well, I found a gGirl
Beautife ul and sweet
Oh, I never knC9ew you were the someone
Waiting for mDe  Dsus4  

'Cause we were just kids
When we fGell in love
Not knowing whe at it was
I will not gC9ive you up this tGi__D_me

But darling, just Gkiss me slow
Your heart is e all I own
And in your C9eyes you're holding mDine Dsus4  

Baby, e I'm dC9ancing in the dGark
With yDou between my e arms
BC9arefoot on the grGass
LDistening to our fe avorite song
When you sC9aid you looked a mGess
I whispered Dunderneath my bre eath
But you hC9eard it
Darling, yGou look pDerfect toGnight

G e C9 D

Well, I found a wGoman
Stronger than e anyone I know
She shares my drC9eams I hope that someday
I'll share her hDo__Dsus4___me
I found a lGover
To carry me ore than just my secrets
To carry lC9ove
To carry children of our Down Dsus4  

We are still kids, but we're sGo in love
Fighting age ainst all odds
I know we'll bC9e alright this tGi__D_me

Darling, just hGold my hand
Be my girl, I'll be e your man
I see my fC9uture in your Deyes Dsus4  

Baby, e I'm dC9ancing in the dGark
With yDou between my e arms
BC9arefoot on the grGass
LDistening to our fe avorite song
When I sC9aw you in that drGess
Looking so bDeautifDsus4ul
I de on't desC9erve this
Darling, yGou look pDerfect toniGght

G e C9 D

Baby, e I'm dC9ancing in the dGark
With yDou between my e arms
BC9arefoot on the grGass
LDistening to our fe avorite song
I have fC9aith in what I sGee
Now I know DI have mDsus4et an e angel in pC9erson
And shGe looks pDerfect
I dC9on't deserve this
YDou look Dsus4perfect tGonight

G e C9 D G

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