Galway Girl Ed Sheeran

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She ple ayed the fiddle Gin an Irish band
But she fDell in love we ith an English man
KC9issed her on the neck and tGhen I took her by the hand
Said bDaby I just want to dance

I met her on Gre afton street rGight outside of the bar
She shared a cDigarette with me whCile her brother played the guitar
She asked me whe at does it mean the GaGelic ink on your arm?
Said it was Done of my friend's songs do you want to drink on?
She took Je amie as a chaser, JGack for the fun
She got DArthur on the table, wCith Johnny riding as shotgun

Che atted some more, Gone more drink at the bar
Then pDut Van on the jukebox, got up to dance, you know

She plCayed the fiddlGe in an Irish band
But she fDell in love we ith an English man
KCissed her on the neck aGnd then I took her by the hand
Said bDaby I just want to dance
With my pretty little GCalway GGirl  D     e   
You're my pretty little GCalwayG GirlD     e   

You know she be eat me at darts and thGen she beat me at pool
And then she kDissed me like there wCas nobody else in the room
As last e orders were called, was wGhen she stood on the stool
After dDancing the Cèilidh, singing to trad tunes
I never he eard Carrickfergus evGer sung so sweet
AcapeDlla in the bar using heCr feet for the beat
Oh, I could ha ave that voice playGing on repeat for a week
And in this pDacked out room, swear she was singing to me

She plCayed the fiddGle in an Irish band
But she fDell in love we ith an English man
KCissed her on the neck anGd then I took her by the hand
Said bDaby I just want to dance
With my pretty little GCalway GGirl
MDy, my, my, my, me y, my, my GCalway GGirl
MDy, my, my, my, me y, my, my GCalway GGirl
MDy, my, my, my, me y, my, my GCalway GGirl  D    e   

Now we've e outstayed our welcome Gand it's closing time
I was hDolding her hand, her hCand was holding mine
Our ce oats both smell of smGoke, whisky and wine
As we fDill up our lungs with the cold air of the night
I we alked her home thGen she took me inside
Finish sDome Doritos and anCother bottle of wine
I swe ear I'm going to put you Gin a song that I write
About a GDalway Girl and a perfect night

She plCayed the fiddGle in an Irish band
But she fDell in love we ith an English man
KCissed her on the neck aGnd then I took her by the hand
Said bDaby I just want to dance
With my pretty little GCalway GGirl
DMy, my, my, my, e my, my, my CGalwayG Girl
MDy, my, my, my, me y, my, my GCalway GGirl
MDy, my, my, my, me y, my, my GCalway GGirl  D    e   

C G D e
C G D e
C G D e
C G D e

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