Norman fucking Rockwell Lana Del Rey

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Rocky
    4 ulubione
C g F
C g F

[Zwrotka 1]
C  Godg damn, man-Fchild
C  You fucked me so g good that I almost said, "FI love you"
C  You're g fun and you'reF wild
C  But you don't know the g half of the shit that you Fput me through

a  Your poetry's C/Gbad and you blame Fthe news
a  But I can't change C/Gthat, and I can't Fchange your mood

Ahh ah-ah ah-ah-ah

C  'Cause you're just a mB an, it's just what you da
Your head in your hB ands as you color me blue
C  Yeah, you're just a mB an, all through and throa ugh
Your head in your hB ands as you color me blue
C  BlB ue, bla ue, blB ue
C g F
C g F

[Zwrotka 2]
C  Godg damn, man-Fchild
C  You act like a g kid even though you stand Fsix foot two
C  Self-loathing g poet, resident FLaurel Canyon know-it-all
C  You're trapped to the g walls when the party gets Fbored of you

a  But I don't get C/Gbored, just see Fyou through
a  Why wait for the C/Gbest when I could Fhave you?

You ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh

C  'Cause you're just a mB an, it's just what you da
Your head in your hB ands as you color me blue
C  Yeah, you're just a mB an, all through and throa ugh
Your head in your hB ands as you color me blue
C  BlB ue, bla ue

You make B me blue-C--, B ooh-ooa h-ooh-ooh
B Ooh ooh-ooh-Cooh
B Blue, a blue,B blue
C B a B C

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