Girls just wanna have fun Miley Cyrus

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Natuśka
    26 ulubionych
Verse 1:
D I come home in

the morning light
My hmother says
When you gonna live

Your life right
G Oh mother dear
We're not the
fortunate ones
And hgirls they
Awanna have Gfun
Oh hgirls just
Awanna have fun

Verse 2:
D The phone rings
In the middle

of the night
My hfather yells
What you gonna do

With your life
G Oh daddy dear
you know
You're still
number one
But hgirls They
Awanna have Gfun
Oh hgirls just
Awanna have

D That's all they
really wanth Some fun
DWhen the working
hday is doneh Girls
They Awanna have Gfun
Oh hgirls Just
Awanna have fun

Interlude: D--A/C#-b- -G-A x3

Verse 3:
D Some boys Take
a beautiful girl
Ahnd hide her away
From the rest
of the world
G I want to be the one
To walk in the sun
Oh hgirls they
Awanna have Gfun
Oh hgirls just
Awanna have

(Repeat Chorus)

Dwanna they wanna
wanna have hfun girls
wanna haveD just
the one just
the oneh just
the one just

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