thirty nine Queen

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę Średni Tonacja D
    9 ulubionych

G D e C G D C G
G D e C G D C G
In the Dyear of `39 assembled ehere the volunteers in the Cdays when the Glands were Dfew
Here the eship sailed e7out into the Cblue and sunny morn, the Gsweetest Dsight ever Gseen

GAnd the Dnight followed day and the H7story tellers say that the escore brave souls inaside
For Gmany a lonely day sailed Dacross the milky seas Cne'er looked eback, Cnever Dfeared, never Gcried.D

Don't you Ghear my call though you're Cmany years Gaway don't you hear me calling Dyou
Write your Gletters H7in the esand Gfor the Cday I Gtake your ahand
In the Gland that our Dgrandchildren Gknew

In the Dyear of `39 came a eship in from the blue the VolunCteers came Ghome that Dday
And they ebring good e7news of a Cworld so newly born though their Ghearts so Dheavily Gweigh
For the Dearth is old and grey, little H7 darling we'll away but my elove this cannot abe
For so Gmany years have gone though I'm Dolder but a year
Your mother's Ceyes from your Deyes cry to Gme D

Don't you Ghear my call though you're Cmany years Gaway don't you hear me calling Dyou
Write your Gletters H7in the esand Gfor the Cday I Gtake your ahand
In the Gland that our Dgrandchildren Gknew

Don't you Ghear my call though you're Cmany years Gaway don't you hear me calling Dyou
All the Gletters H7in the esand Gcannot Cheal me Glike your ahand
For my elife still aDhead pity GMe

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