The show must go on Queen

b Empty spaces - what are we living for
abandoned Gplaces - I guess we know the score
e on and on, does Fisanybody know what we are e looking for?

Another hero, another mindless crime
behind the curtain, in the pantomime
hold the line, does anybody want to take it anymore?

The show must go b on, the show must go Gon, yeah,
inse ide my heart is breaking
my Fismake-up may be flaking
but my e smile still stays on.  gis   fis  

Whatever cishappens, I'll leave it all to chance
another Aheartache, another failed romance
fison and on, does Gisanybody know what we are fisliving for?

I guess I'm learning, I must be warmer now,
I'll soon be turning, round the corner now
outside the dawn is breaking
but inside in the dark I'm aching to be free. e

The show must go b on, the show must go on, yeah,
inside my heart is breaking
my make-up may be flaking
but my smile still stays on.

My Fsoul is Gpainted like the Cwings of butterfa lies
Ffairytales of Gyesterday will Cgrow but never a die
Fissus4I can fly - my fFisriends.

The show must go on, the show must go on, yeah,
I'll face it with a grin
I'm never giving in
on - with the show.

I'll top the bill, I'll overkill,
I have to find the will to carry on.

The show must go on.

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Ocena czytelników: Niczego sobie 11 głosów
  • rossi
    drugi refren jest grany wyżej, jest tam zmiana tonacji . Grany jest na c#m

    · Zgłoś · 15 lat
  • DeBiEc
    skopiowane z ultimate guitar, i tam zamiast Bm jest h, no wlasciwie to to samo, bo w ameryce Bm to jest to samo co u nas h :P

    · Zgłoś · 16 lat
  • Kintr
    Kocham to :)

    · Zgłoś · 18 lat