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Sly Scorpions

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę moniablu
    1 ulubiony
cis A H
cis A H

cisShe was born with a song in tHhe air
In the dissummer of 85;    E 
The ccislouds just went and gisthe day became so Disbright.
A ccishild of love, angisgel like,
disWith the most beautiful smiEle,
cisGrowing up to be the sunshine of my Dislife.

Comegis talk to me,
Don’t disrun away,
DEon’t let the distance growH.
The gisdoor’s wide open,
Don’t disever think,
There iscis no way home.cis   

Come home tocisnight;
The worDld is so bad,
EYou’re drive them all mad
With youfisr smile.
My jfisoy and prEide;
When the runaway Dtrain,
ATook you away,
A pCisart of me died.

cis A H

The ycisears went by like the summer of lHove
So mudisch changed in our lives       E 
They’re cistoo may scars deep undergis my skiDisn  
Love tcisurned to hate and gishate to love
disLet’s start all over agEain
cisAnd now I wonder what life will brinDisg  

Just gislet us laugh
The tedisars away
NEo more hard feelings noH 
Causgise after all
You’redis my flesh and blood
I don’t ciswant you to fall

Come home tocisnight;
The worDld is so bad,
EYou’re drive them all mad
With youfisr smile.
My jfisoy and prEide;
When the runaway Dtrain,
ATook you away,
A pCisart of me died.

cis A H x4

Come home todisnight;
The woErld is so bad
You’re driFisve them all mad
With yougisr smile
My gisjoy and prFiside
When the runaway Etrain
ATook you away
A pGisart of me died

cis A H x4

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