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Your last song Scorpions

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę moniablu
    1 ulubiony
EHere I am, writing my last song for yougis   
EHear the words carefully, and you'll see igist's you... I'm leaving
ADon't want to be the one to te ell you
AThat I can't stay anotherG day    F     e   

D5I'll throw the B5 pages on the fF5loor I'm starting oC5ver like before
D5I'll change this B5 stupid endiF5ng and stay with yoC5u forever more
D5But when I'm lyB5 ing next to yoF5u It's hard to bC5argain with the truth
D5Cause when you B5 know the love F5is gone The time hasD5 come tC5o write
B your last C5song

There you are
Smiling at me from the next room
Beautiful as the first day I met you
And I'm so sorry
I couldn't be the one to love you
The way that you deserve to be

Dis5It's hard to think of B5 you and I as total strangers
Dis5I've lived this last goodbye B5 a million times or more inF5 my mind
Dis5My mind, D5my mind

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