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When the trust is a lie Scorpions

Tekst piosenki i chwyty na gitarę

  • Chwyty na gitarę moniablu
    1 ulubiony
GisWhen I saw her for the Fisfirst Gistime
I was meCissmerized and disblown aCisway  H   Cis    H   Cis    H   Fis  
GisWhat if she would be the one to
Live and die for in an endisdless lFisove

It hurts deep ib nsideFis, hurts deep iGisnside
When the Fistruth is aCis lie
Ib nsideFis, it hurts deep inGisside
When theFis truth is Cisa lie

GisLove is Cisblind and Gishard to Disfind
GisFalling for herCis made me dislose my Cismind  H   Cis    H   Cis    H  Fis  
GisHoping all was just a bad dream
Wishing I could travel Cisback in Fistime

It hurts deep ib nsideFis, hurts deep iGisnside
When the Fistruth is aCis lie
Ib nsideFis, it hurts deep inGisside
When the Fistruth is aCis lie

b Everybody I was talking to
FisAll my friends confirmed it's true
GisNo one really was taken by surFisprise, but me
b I was really way too blind to see
FisHer betrayal, the reality
GisWhen I finally opened up my eyes the Fislove was gone

b Fis Gis Fis x2


H Cis H Fis

It hurts deep ib nsideFis, hurts deep iGisnside
When the Fistruth is aCis lie
Ib nsideFis, it hurts deep inGisside
When the Fistruth is aCis lieb    

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